Collection Holder annual report form

Annual reports enable us to share your successes, as well as identify and help solve problems if necessary.

Please either use the form below - on submission you will receive a copy via email for your records, or alternatively you can download and fill out this Word form. Please email this to or post to the address in the footer bar below.

Period this report covers
How is your plant list held?
If you are NOT submitting a plant list with this report, what have the gains and losses been to the collection over the last 12 months?
What new developments have there been to the collection in the last 12 months?
Have there been any setbacks to the collection in the period this report covers?
Are there any plants that you would like assistance in finding? Please detail these Desiderata plants here.
Contacts/ visits Please include an estimate of how many people have come to visit the collection (if the collection is on a wider site, please only let us know how many people have been specifically to visit the collection.)
Please outline any research, publicity or shows you have done in the period this report covers
Please let us know if your succession plan has changed.

eg: plant genus, common name, county, collection holder name.