Volunteer for Plant Heritage and enjoy getting in touch with plant enthusiasts, having access to rare and unusual plants, and simply enjoying plants!
We are seeking new passionate and committed individuals to join our Board of Trustees. This is to fill current vacancies and because we are planning ahead for key roles that will become vacant in future, including the Chair of the Board and the Honorary Treasurer. As a Trustee, you will play a crucial role in helping us to achieve our mission. We welcome applicants from diverse backgrounds, with a variety of skills. You don’t have to be a plant expert. What matters most is your commitment to help us achieve our objectives. Find out more
Within our network there are numerous opportunities to get involved and help with our activities that support our vital work in plant conservation:
- Group volunteers - helping with events, visits and plants sales
- Local representatives - would you like to be the Plant Heritage contact in your local area?
- Seed collecting/packing volunteers - simply collect and donate seed from your garden, or offer to help with packing and labelling seed. Seed collecting instructions are here.
- Digital Plant Conservation volunteers - who help prepare plant records and photographs for upload to our database, Persephone.
- Office volunteers - supporting the conservation team, digitising our paper records, labelling and sorting photos, helping fundraising activities and our events
- Fundraising volunteers - from holding a coffee morning, to a cycle race or running a marathon, there are many ways to raise funds to support our conservation work
- Collection coordinators - we have a team across the country who visit and support local National Collection Holders
- Plant exchange coordinators - who organise the plant exchange for local members - a chance to receive rare and unusual plants.
Just get in touch - more details are in volunteer vacancies.