

Visit to Walton Hall Gardens

A visit to Walton Hall Gardens to see the National Collections of Aechmea, Billbergia and Neoregalia led by custodian, Don Billington, who has several Gold medals for superb displays at the RHS and other shows. 

Meet at 14.00hrs outside the Conservatory. 

Lunch options prior to the tour are own picnic in the grounds or a sandwich in the café.

More information can be found on the website: www.waltonhallgardens.co.uk

Photo Credit: Darren Moston - Walton Hall Gardens

Event Start Date 07 September 2024 2.00pm
Event End Date 07 September 2024 5.00pm
Cost Parking £4.00 per car
Event Location Walton Lea Road, Higher Walton
Event Contact Catherine Penny
Telephone 01254 878254

eg: plant genus, common name, county, collection holder name.