The first ever virtual National Collection Holders' conference
'National Collections in a Changing World'
19th-20th November 2020
A mixture of talks, discussions and workshops about the National Plant Collections. Opening with Dr Tim Upson, Director of Horticulture at the RHS and chair of the PCC, and closing with Fergus Garrett of Great Dixter, on the role of gardens in maintaining biodiversity.
10.30-11.15am. Introduction and Tim Upson, RHS. Why and how we hold plant collections
11.15-12.20pm. Collection holder talks
• Julian Reed. Climate adaptation in Polypodium
• Sarah Cook. 5 years searching for pre-1960 Iris cultivars
• Sarah Millington. Research into using biodegradable pots
• John Moore, Churchill College. The value of developing a collection of Churchill plants
• Candide. Curation and Cultivation in the 21st Century
Q and A session and short break
12.30-1.15pm. Workshops
• Growing media and conservation (Jim Marshall)
• Researching your collection (PH conservation team)
1.15-1.30pm. - lunchtime social and close.
2-2.30pm. Jassy Drakulic, RHS. Emerging plant pest and diseases
2.30-3.30pm. Collection holder talks
• Sally Williams. Peperomia leaf adaptation to different habitats and climates
• Malcolm Pharaoh. Changing response to collections by garden visitors
• Andy Bryce, Westonbirt Arboretum. Climate proofing the trees and woodlands of The National Arboretum
Q and A session and short break
3.30-4.15pm. Workshops
• Persephone plant recording database - where next? (Vicki Cooke and Penny Ross)
• Promoting your National Plant Collection (Gill Groombridge)
4.15-5pm. Fergus Garrett Biodiversity at Great Dixter – how an intensive flower garden can support some of our most threatened species
5-5.30pm - Round up and thanks (Jim Marshall) and evening social