Welcome to the Norfolk Group page. We are one of the largest and most active Plant Heritage groups in the UK and we are home to National Plant Collections ranging from Muscari to Gunnera. Our Group welcomes new members of all ages - please feel free to contact us if you would like to know more about what we can offer!
We hold two specialist Plant Fairs each year.
Our extensive events programme includes visits to Norfolk’s gardens large and small, both public and private. In addition we offer a range of informative talks and workshops.
Group Members also take part in the annual National Plant Exchange scheme, which offers plants rarely - if ever - found in nurseries.
For full information on our group visit the new Norfolk Plant Heritage Website where you will find all the latest news.
Here is a list of local independent nurseries.

Muscari 'Mount Hood'
© M J Hobbs

An historical National Collection of Iris Tall Barded bred by Bryan Dodsworth is held in North Walsham; Iris 'Kildonan'
© B Dodsworth

An historical National Collection of Fuchsia bred by James Lye is held by Harper and Debbage in Norwich : Fuschia 'Annie Earle'
© Plant Heritage