Irish Heritage Plants
Horticultural collection, Dispersed
Irish Garden Plant Society
A collection of plants with an Irish connection, either bred or discovered in Ireland, introduced by an Irish person, or linked to an Irish garden or gardener. A dispersed collection held in the gardens of many members and several public gardens. NBG Glasnevin, Dublin and NBG Kilmacurragh, Kilbride, Wicklow., Blarney Castle, Blarney, Co Cork., The Lismacloskey Rectory Garden, Ulster Folk Museum, Holywood, Co. Down, N. Ireland, Ardgillan Castle, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin.
Andrew Gee & Claire McNally
c/o Irish Garden Plant Society website
263 species
951 cultivars
1091 taxa
Best time to view
All year depending on location.
Opening Times
For public gardens please see relevant website.

© S Butler, Irish Garden Plant Society